Friday, May 1, 2009

Take a Deep Breath - RELAX!!!!!!

Have you noticed? I like exclamation points and ALL CAPS and dashes and lots of ............. - puts emphasis in all I have to say, which at this point, is not too much. There is no real news - we are still waiting for all of the pathology reports and the doc is unwilling to commit to any real course of therapy until he knows it all. Probably a good idea - but I am getting eager to know what is in front of me. The soon-to-be-married won't admit it, but they would like some hair on my head in September - and, come to think of it, so would I. We'll wait for the verdict.

Right now, Friday a.m., there's nothing to report. Perhaps boring is a good thing? I think I told you all that the staples came out yesterday - good feeling and it didn't hurt. They say that I can even wash my hair so that's a good thing. However, I have to have baby shampoo so I am dependent on Clif to get that - cross your fingers. I am also supposed to take one baby aspirin per day and Clif is adamant about calling my personal internist before we start this - twiddling my thumbs here - sigh!

Had a great breakfast - more of those delish cinnamon rolls from New Braunfels - thanks, NB!
Also a small bowl of Raisin Bran - with just a very little milk, they stay crispy and I like that. Now, thinking on to lunch - there is food here - lots of food. So nice that all you good friends are watching over me!

Guess I have nothing more to say - perhaps I will start writing (making up) stories - that will be good for my creative juices! Right now, I just know that you are all interested in hearing from me so I'm going to try to keep pace and be reassuring :)

Brain surgery - well, what in the world is that? - xxxgbg


  1. Gail,
    Good morning, I am glad your creative juices are flowing! Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your daily blog. We miss you and hope to see you soon. Linda Blankenship

  2. Gail, your right, I want to see a little post from you often! I am glad that you are having a little quiet time amidst all the company and surgery. Even the most gregarious of us can only sustain that for so long. How is the kindle reading?? xo, Angela

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better, but your obsessive interest in your next meal is a huge concern-----shall I send Spanx??? I also like to write using ALL CAPS and italics, but have been told that it means I'm shouting at people through the computer. Too bad---what is....IS. Too bad your computer will not print tiny, daisy-looking flowers so that you can dot your i's successfully with those flowers. Amazing the impression that made with me-----a very peculiar high school memory to be sure. (And I know that you still sign your name in that fashion.) Heal fast.....

  4. Gail,
    My sentiments have been missing and i apologize. We have MUCH to talk about. You have been CONTINUOUSLY in my prayers...and my 7th and 8th grade sunday school is praying for you as well (not by name...of course)! I hope i get to see you soon...I miss you and know of all the people I know you have the fire in your spirit to get through this with determination and...spunk!!! much love to ya!
    Martha Aschenbrenner

  5. Gail,
    I think your interest in the next snack/meal is perfectly normal. It must be a familial thing. You're fortunate Clif is such a careful caregiver. I wish I were in Houston to bring you the shampoo or anything else (especially if it were tasty.)

  6. Hi Gail,
    Just wanted to check in and say Howdy! I've been on vacation for a week and just got back. Could not check in on you while gone so I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and getting some rest.

    Did YOU really write that you had nothing more to say!?!?

    Bart Moore

    How do you get this to not say "Anonymous said"?

  7. Hi, Gail,

    Still thinking about you and checking in on your blog here and there to see how you are. Sounds like incredible progress to me -- from brain surgery to raisin bran in just over a week! Keep up the good work.

    Carol Scott

  8. Thanks, all - I'm doing great and at this point, there isn't much to concentrate on except where my next meal is coming from :) So far, they have all been super - thanks for going to the effort to feed me and mine. We all appreciate it! I'll let you know when there is actual news to report - right now, it's just the waiting game!

  9. hey gail- glad to hear you are feeling better. hope to see you soon.
    love, mary ann (your sister in law)

  10. Hi gbg,
    Are you up for a mid-day visit this week sometime? Would love to see you and give you a real hug.

  11. Love hearing from you all - if you really want to visit, please give me a call first - at this point, I'm still playing it by ear!


  12. Gail, Have been following everything on this blog since Ann told me you last week. I tried to sign up for a meal, but it is all taken - how about a breakfast??? I can do that quite easily! Nothing to crispy Raisin Bran! You sound great and I love reading & catching up with all your family. Told Katey that Braden was in Seattle. She lives in Montana and one of her best friends is in Seattle. She tries to go as often as she can - get away to the big city. I am a great chauffeur, maid, anything. Just let me know what I can do to help! Prayers and good thoughts, MAlla

  13. Gail.I was so surprised to hear about your recent discovery. I have been thinking about you and have asked about you a lot. Saw Nancy Beck at McQueeny and she shared this blog with me
    I was so glad. I have been saying prayers for you and your family. I know you will beat this thing..Love- Dorothy Bean
