Friday, June 5, 2009


Oh, yesterday - good grief - who knew that they actually do MRIs at 6:30 a.m. at MDA? It was a very early morning, but I managed to sort of doze through all of that bamming and banging. Then my sister Kim and I enjoyed a smoothie before making the scene at the Place ... of wellness to collect an enormous number of brochures. Then we waited in the Clark Clinic lobby for my mother and other sister Shannon to arrive from Dallas before going upstairs for my 11:15 doctor's appointment.

It was a long morning, but the wait was worth it to get the good report from the MRI - doc says that things are lookin' good up there - always nice to hear. However, he did give me my fourth or fifth lecture of the day about exercise and, of course, my need to do it. Now, I've never been one to move much - I do enjoy my chair - but I've promised to try. He assures me that if I don't, I'll regret it - use it or lose it as they say. Ugh ...... that means a walk around the block today - and forever more.

Today, we're going out for lunch and then we'll get things for dinner together. Brian and Tiffany are coming over to eat with us - I think we're having flank steak and zucchini casserole - yum!
Mother and Kim leave Saturday a.m. and then it's time for me to go about getting ready to go back to work in another week - hard to believe!

Right now, it's shower time for me and then we're off on the day's errands - sounds like a busy day for all of us. 

Happy weekend - gbg


  1. So pleased you had a good have a great weekend with your family!


  2. Glad you received a good report after your long morning. Please give my love to all the Braden girls.

