Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sister Act

My sister Kim, the one who was voted off the island for going to Mexico, is coming for a visit this evening. She'll be joined by sister Shannon and my mother tomorrow because everyone wants to go to my doctor's appt. with me on Thursday a.m. :)

The bad news is that I have to be at MDA at 6:30 a.m. on Thurs. for an MRI. I actually thought I would be back at work when this appt. was scheduled so I decided not to change it. That didn't happen, but I still didn't change it. After that is over, I will have three plus hours to kill before the next appt. at 11:15 a.m. I think that I will visit the Place ... of Wellness for some of that time to see if they have any suggestions to help me conquer this stupid fatigue. I'm pretty sure that they will tell me to walk - I'm going to give them Sara Kate's phone # so they can discuss this together.

Speaking of SK, I got a book from her yesterday called "Cancer Fitness" - she ordered it for me from Amazon and I must say that it made a lot of sense. I spent the afternoon reading it and have concluded that she's probably right - I need to get the move on. I always hate to admit that I'm wrong - but, in this case, I believe I am. No idle promise here, I am starting an exercise program - the book says you can begin with 10 minutes and work your way up. Sounds like my idea of moving about.

I'll spend today tidying up before the big visit - housekeeper will be here tomorrow to do the big stuff. Have a great day and stay cool - xxxgbg


  1. Gail,
    Ah, an "information/education" opportunity! Here are some great fatique resources.
    xo Jo Ann

  2. Gail, there's a new eliptical machine housed in our office waiting for you to try it when you return!
    Good luck today.
